BBC Teach and First Story

BBC Teach and First StoryBBC Teach and First Story collaborate with contemporary writers to produce a new set of creative writing resources, Inside the Writer’s Mind. A mix of video and document resources, six of the films in the BBC series are accompanied by a free classroom PDF by First Story.

The creative team crosses multiple media, genres and disciplines, including:

  • Derek Owusu, novelist
  • Hannah Khalil, playwright
  • Javid Rezai, screenwriter
  • Priya Hall, comedy writer
  • Ram V graphic novelist
  • Vicky Foster, poet

You can use BBC Teach for free whether you’re at home or at school, The website hosts thousands of free curriculum-mapped videos, arranged by age-group and subject.


Based on the prompt ‘Imagine you’re sat on a train and someone approaches to sit down opposite…’ Use your imagination and to focus on descriptive skills to produce a short narrative.

Write a dramatic scene, considering scenery, sounds, dialogue and characterisation. Include two people who care for each other but disagree about an issue.

Put your own unique twist on a classic fairytale. Work in small groups to rehearse and refine your reimagined scene.

Try writing a short comedy set (just a couple of jokes or funny stories) about someone they care about. Consider stage persona and delivery.

Graphic novel
Write the script for a four-panel page from a comic or graphic novel, then collaborate with a partner. Turn each other’s scripts into an illustrated story.

In this exercise, use observation and description and considering all the senses, to produce a ‘cut-up’ poem.

3 thoughts on “BBC Teach and First Story”

  1. This is fascinating. Always said your motivations are never enitrely what you believe they are. So much about the brain we still don’t know.

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