The Style and Voice Summit (13-14 March 2021) takes your writing to the next level and uncovers your true writing voice in this supportive, communal online event. Organised by Daniel David Wallace, this follows the successful 2020 Escape the Plot Forest summit.
“Style”: your bridge to your reader.
What people call style is your way of being yourself on the page
How This Event Will Help Your Writing
The goal for this event is to demystify writing style, help you develop an unforgettable voice, build an easy and effective style toolkit, and to offer specific tips on the thorniest aspects of narrative prose, such as dialogue.
You’ll finish this summit with new frameworks to write a compelling sentence and a fresh appreciation of the books you love the most.
Free to attend / upgrade for the full learning experience
The Style and Voice Summit (13-14 March 2021) is 100% free to watch live. You can attend every talk and catch the replays for up to 24 hours after each session airs.